November 21, 2017



This art piece is titled Starburst.

The featured image shows the individual squares in the process of being being arranged. They started out as 4” x 4” pieces. It’s so much fun to see them all playing off of each other before they go to their final home on the wood frame.

The yellow color was inspired by my favorite season. Summer makes me happy and the sun makes people feel good inside, healthy and more vibrant. I like to use contrasting colors so yellow and grey are used primarily.

I enjoy thinking of the images of summer, from the morning light turning a field of flowers into fire to the soft evening light creating a blanket of color on the tall grass. There is so much to inspire me.

It’s amazing to me that colors are natural and occur with such vibrancy in nature. Seeing the center of the flower and realizing that there is so much complexity to simple things that often go unnoticed.

Note: The Starburst painting is sold
